Get in touch

Copenhagen Merchants Group
At our Copenhagen headquarters, around 60 dedicated professionals from Brokerage, Shipping, CM Navigator, Aarhus Protein, and the Copenhagen Merchants Group work together and support our global operations.
Pakhus 48
Klubiensvej 22
2150 Nordhavn
+45 3996 5300
Our Broker hubs - Connecting the dots
Contact Navi Merchants
The Navi Merchants team operates from our offices in Copenhagen and Hamburg.
Tel. +45 39 96 53 20
Direct Access to Market Intelligence
Contact CM Navigator
Gain immediate access to the daily updated market prices from US, South America, the EU, Black Sea, and Australia. Combine these with over 200 live bids and offers.
Contact our 'Group Team'
Copenhagen Merchants Group is defined by a very flat organizational structure, where our few operational support colleagues are closely integrated to each business unit.
All activities are though supported by a small, dedicated group-team, primarily within finance, HR, and other business-related functions. And this is also here you will find our group management and our company-owner.