Meet Elizabete

I started as a student
After a rather untraditional start—helping out a friend prepare design material for a conference—my journey at CM began in a student position while simultaneously pursuing a Master's in Service Systems Design, at AAU - Aalborg University. With a background in areas such as User-Centered Design, IT, and Marketing, I am currently working at CM Navigator, mixing and learning new skills within Digital Branding, UI/UX, and Service Design.
Days are unpredictable
For me, it is important to be in a buzz of optimization, change, and challenges. I highly value the flexibility in when I work, and I take advantage of starting my day at 7 a.m. or staying later, depending on the needs. Routine is not something I can maintain for long, and I definitely do not thrive in it. Therefore, CM is a great fit, as days tend to be unpredictable and allow for optimization. At first, I had a hard time accepting that it is okay not to stick to the previously agreed timeline. I feared that I was not performing well enough. However, I have since experienced through multiple projects how this ‘ever-changing environment’—in terms of priorities and directions—actually brings value, creating space for more creative solutions and allowing us to target “hot issues” on the fly. Being agile enough to shift focus during rapid acceleration is often required.

Honestly, I am surprised how a company that sometimes goes against well-known practices on let’s say task management, actually strives in the long run.
CM is a strange company
Honestly, I am surprised how company that sometimes goes against well-known practices on let’s say task management, actually strives in the long run. Is it the freedom throughout the process, or is it the trust to one another that allows for “room to breathe”… there is something that allows for things to happen. Sometimes even the speed shocks you as you are presented with an executed idea! Here things happen beyond expected and you have to be willing to also give that little extra - both ways. I enjoy and start to welcome it!
A true learning environment
On top of that, it is important for me to learn. I feel that at CM I can practice hands-on approach as we often get a chance to take responsibility and try it ourselves. It means making a lot of mistakes in process and also learning from your own findings. Taking initiative is not only appreciated but needed to shape your daily workflow. Currently a new journey for me is digging into Figma, while supplementing the practice with an external course. And who would have known that I would get a chance to spend time and learn a new design program or explore best UI/ UX practices as I am working professionally? It also hints to me that I will be able to continue learning in the future.

More then superficial talks
What is also a big support, are the people around me. I tend to deepen connections through hobbies and interests as that feels closer to the core of humans. We have formed a small tradition of a daily-plank. While it can seem silly at first glance, it actually allows for a daily informal chat between cross-teams. And not the superficial small talk. It is a chance to talk about free time activities or feelings while all together fighting against our muscles shaking in a plank. On top of that, while training for my first marathon, these connections were a huge boost - feeling that others support me on my personal development. Which is also what I try to give others by encouraging to challenge themselves.
I am learning to be more Me. More authentic and more vulnerable. It feels safe … and there is support to do that.
Worth to be around for the long run
I also often feel that we are well taken care of at this company; it feels like someone will have our back if needed and that gives strength to strive. It is the trust that you are accepted and supported. I know, saying that we are like a family is a red flag in 21st century, however, knowing that you can talk directly to your colleagues about personal matters, on top of that receive a warm hug, does make it feel more special than just a place to work. We do get vulnerable in discussions and there can be sparks, however, we are willing to talk, solve and find common ground again. We enjoy the fun together in our team. Whether it is a well planned Next Stop trip or unexpected daily jokes with our closest table-neighbor, we sort of live through our workday together authentically and with emotions. It feels alive to be part of such team. It is the little things that makes it worth to be around for the long run.
I am learning to be more Me. More authentic and more vulnerable. It feels safe … and there is support to do that.
(Written by Elizabete and shared exactly as Elizabete wrote it)